Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance


An unexpected injury-related accident could mean a trip to the emergency room. And unanticipated, uncovered, after-treatment ER bills can add up quick. Your major medical insurance will help with many of your expenses, but wouldn’t you feel better knowing you’ll have extra help paying some of your bills?


Accident insurance pays you cash benefits to help cover your out-of-pocket expenses so you can focus more on getting well and less on the extra expenses an accident can bring. Benefits include:


  • Benefits for numerous types of injuries related to accidents.
  • Affordable group rates priced to fit most budgets.
  • Spouse and children can be protected too.
  • Guaranteed-issue* if you enroll during the Enrollment Period. Exclusions and Limitations apply.


Thanks to your employer’s group rates, you could pay less for this insurance than you would for individual insurance you’d find on your own.


Contact Us

Allstate (Claims)
Policy/Group Number: V6892


Accident Insurance - Plan Overview

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Accident Insurance Brochure

How It Works


Answers about the plan, including eligibility, options, enrollment, customer service and more.

  • Who is the provider?

    Allstate Benefits

    A leading provider of employee benefits.


    Allstate Benefits is the marketing name used by American Heritage Life Insurance Company (Home Office, Jacksonville, FL), a subsidiary of The Allstate Corporation.

  • How can this help me?

    Most families don’t budget for the costs associated with accidents. When an accident does occur, the last thing on your mind is the charges accumulating while at the emergency room:

    • Ambulance ride
    • Casts
    • Use of the emergency room
    • Wheelchairs
    • Surgery and Anesthesia
    • Crutches
    • Stitches
    • Bandages

    These costs can add up fast. Most families have medical insurance that will cover a majority of the expenses. But, what about the out-of-pocket medical expenses, such as lost wages an employee or spouse/domestic partner loses when out of work or staying home to care for an injured family member? You hope that an accident never happens, but at some point you very well may take a trip to your local emergency room. If that time comes, wouldn’t it be nice to have an insurance plan that pays you a benefit regardless of any other insurance you have? Group Accident insurance does just that, providing a cash benefit to cover the costs associated with unexpected trips to the emergency room.

  • Who is eligible?

    You and your eligible family members just need to enroll during your enrollment period and be actively at work for your coverage to be effective. Dependents to be enrolled may not be subject to a medical restriction as set forth on the enrollment form and in the Certificate. Some states require the insured to have medical coverage.
  • When can I enroll?

    As a new hire, you can enroll during your new hire enrollment period. Outside of your new hire enrollment period, enrollment is limited to the company’s annual enrollment period.
  • What if my employment status changes?

    When you leave or retire from your current employer, you can continue your coverage without interruption, subject to applicable law and the policies' terms and conditions. Although payroll deduction will no longer be available if you retire or leave your company, you can opt for other payment methods such as direct checking or bank account deduction, credit card billing or home billing. Higher rates may apply.
  • Will my rates increase as I get older or if I file a claim?

    No, your rates will not increase due to age, health or individual claims.
  • Will I have to take a medical exam to get this coverage?

    No! For the initial Open Enrollment period and for new hires added throughout the year, this coverage is guaranteed-issue (which means you may qualify for coverage without having to submit to a medical exam or answer health questions).
  • What types of accidents and injuries am I covered for?

    Once you’re enrolled in this coverage, you’ll collect benefits for more than 150 different covered events, including

    • Fractures
    • Dislocations
    • Second and third degree burns
    • Skin grafts
    • Torn knee cartilage
    • Concussions
    • Cuts/lacerations
    • Eye injuries
    • Coma
    • Broken teeth


    You’ll also receive a lump-sum payment when you have these covered medical services/treatments:

    • Ambulance
    • Emergency care
    • Inpatient surgery
    • Outpatient surgery
    • Medical Testing Benefits including:
      • X-rays
      • MRIs
      • CT scans
    • Physician follow-up visits
    • Transportation
    • Home modifications
    • Therapy services including:
      • Physical and occupational therapy