Making Benefit Changes

Making Benefit Changes


After you enroll in your benefits as a new hire, you may not change or cancel your benefit elections during the year unless you experience a qualifying life event. Otherwise, your next opportunity to change your benefits will be during the next Annual Enrollment period, which is typically in the fall for the following plan year.


If you experience a qualified life event such as marriage, divorce, birth or adoption, or a change in your or your spouse’s employment status that affects benefits eligibility anytime during the year, you can make changes to your benefits.


Qualifying life events include but are not limited to:

  • Marriage
  • Divorce or legal separation
  • Birth or adoption of an eligible child
  • Death of your spouse or covered child
  • Loss or addition of other group coverage
  • Change in your spouse’s work status (part-time to full-time or vice versa; taking or returning from an unpaid leave of absence)
  • Change in your work status that affects your benefits
  • Change in residence that affects your eligibility for coverage
  • You or your covered dependent becomes eligible for Medicare


What to do if you experience a life event

You must notify Masonite Benefits through the Mployee Central Helpdesk at 1-855.65.MASON within 30 days of any Qualified Life Event. You will be required to show official documentation as proof of the QLE such as a marriage license, birth certificate or court papers.