Top 5 Questions

Top 5 Questions


Top 5 Questions

  • 1. Am I eligible?

    All regular full-time employees who work a minimum of 30 hours per week are eligible to enroll in Masonite benefits.
  • 2. When can I enroll in benefits?

    You have three opportunities to enroll or make changes to your benefit elections:


    • When you are first hired (you have 30 days starting on your date of hire to enroll).
    • During Annual Enrollment
    • When you experience a qualified life event, such as getting married or having a baby
  • 3. Which medical plan is right for me?

    The best medical plan for you depends on a number of factors.


    • How you prefer to handle costs? For instance, you may prefer lower premiums from your paycheck with a higher deductible when you use the plan, or you may want less expense when you use health care services and are willing to pay more in premiums.
    • What are your and your covered dependents’ expected health care needs for the coming year? People who don’t need a lot of health care may save money with a lower premium, higher deductible plan, like the Basic HSA Plan. People who expect to have high health care expenses may prefer a plan with a lower deductible and a higher premium, like the PPO Plan.
    • How much money will you have available to pay for out-of-pocket expenses, like deductibles, copayments, and employee contributions?
    • Do you want to be able to open and contribute to an HSA and receive company contributions from Masonite? An HSA is only available to employees who enroll in the Basic HSA Plan or the HSA Plus Plan.
    • Do you have a spouse who is eligible for coverage through his/her employer? If so, consider how those medical plan options compare to the Masonite plans.


    You can review coverage details for the Masonite medical plans here.

  • 4. What's the difference between the Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and the Health Savings Account (HSA)?

    The way the Health Care FSA and the HSA work is largely the same — you contribute to your account through automatic, pre-tax payroll deductions, then use the money to pay for eligible health care expenses. However, there are some important differences. For example, all the money in an HSA rolls over year after year and is always yours to keep. You can also change your HSA contribution amount at any time. And, you will receive company funding from Masonite into your HSA. Compare the accounts here.
  • 5. What's included in my free preventive care?

    In-network preventive care is fully covered under all of Masonite's medical plans, so you pay nothing. These services include:


    • Well-baby care
    • Immunizations
    • Annual checkups
    • Pap tests
    • Tests for cholesterol and blood pressure
    • Mammograms
    • Prostate screenings
    • Colorectal screenings
    • Bone density (over 60)


    See a full list of covered services.